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Portland       Follow Us!      Eugene

Serving 3-D & clay artists in the Pacific Northwest and beyond since 1965
Prices are subject to change without notice. Current prices at our stores override all previously published prices.
Shipping charges shown in our shopping cart are only estimates. Actual shipping charges may vary when we ship your order.

Welcome to
Georgies Ceramic & Clay Co.

Local Weather ALERT!
Thursday, February 13th - store hours: 12pm-5pm PST

We know it's beautiful, sunny and dry currently in our area... BUT due to the anticipated snow/ice storm headed this way (supposedly starting tomorrow, Thursday, at 8am) we are having a LATE opening at 12pm.

This situation will be monitored and could be changed to a full closure if conditions get worse. An e-news will be sent out, social media updated, and our voicemail changed if this is the case.

Please do not rely on our website as we do not have a way to update this from home. Our customers and staff safety is our number one priority.


presidents day
We are open from 9am-5pm on
February 17th for President's Day!


Freezing Temperatures across the country ...
please be aware that clay and glazes will freeze during shipping.
We do not replace or refund frozen products.
Click on "Tips of the Trade" at left for a PDF on what
to do when clay and glaze freeze.


As of January 1, 2025 we no longer have a fax number.
You can email us at
or call us at 503-283-1353.


~ February Class Registration~
class are still available ...

Call us to register for the February - April classes.
On-line registration is NOT available.We charge a non-refundable
$50 deposit when you sign up.

Beginning in 2025, the price of our 8-week class
is $375, or $350 for 7 week classes. It has been a few years
since we have had to adjust for rising costs.

Call us at 503-283-1353 for more info. and to sign up for a class!
Click on the image at left for a PDF to print.


Eugene Store Closed 12-14-24

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closing
of our retail store in Eugene, OR. After 25 years of
serving Lane County and beyond, we have made the difficult decision to close our Eugene store doors permanently after December 14th, 2024. Click on the image at left for a PDF to print with more information.

Here at our Portland store we are making clay as quickly and efficiently as possible to accomodate our walk-in customers as well as our commercial customers. We will now reserve clay for "in-store customers only"
so you will be able to pick up that 25-100# of clay when you come in!

This website DOES NOT have "live" inventory,
therefore when you place an order over the phone or on the website,
we will have to contact you if items are out of stock.

PLEASE CALL 503-283-1353 ...
Especially for raw materials or more than 200# of clay!

We need at least 2 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE for phone orders
4 HOURS for web orders in case we have to bag what you need.
Orders without the advance notice above can mean a wait time of
an hour or more, depending on how busy we are when you come in.

Sale on Discontinued
Clays & Glazes!

We are discontinuing some of our clays and glazes to focus
production on more popular items and make room for new items.
Once the discontinued products are gone, we will no longer make them. Please contact us for more information.

All discontinued clays are now sold at the 1000# price and discontinued glazes are now 40% off MSRP!

Sale prices are listed on the sale products. Since we do not
have live inventory, some items may be gone before we can
update the website. If you do not see an item on the
website, that means all sizes are gone.

Click the links to go directly to the page:

Low-Fire Clay ... Gloss ... Sculptural ... Satin ... Raku


Glaze Of The Week!
For the week of February 10th - February 16th

Georgies GLW54 Paprika Matte Glaze on sale for 40% off MSRP!
GLW64 Paprika Matte ^6 Glaze
click on the image above to go to that page



Our print catalog has a pending release date of early 2025. Click on the image at left to go to the current catalog pages.
Pages are update as quickly as possible.
Call us for current prices.

Below are our NEW GLAZES and the SPIN-ART flyer.
Click on the images for printable PDF's.
For more information and project sheets go to the tool bar above and click on "PDF's & Firing"

Tie-Dye Color Flyer
with prices
Satin Color Flyer
with prices
Tie-Dye Spin Art
Technique Flyer - 2 pages


-- Gift Certificates --
We have changed our operating system along with the
redemption process for our previous gift certificates ...

ALL gift certificates issued PRIOR to July 1, 2021
will no longer be honored.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 503-283-1353


-- Georgies Return/Refund Policy --

We will gladly accept items for return that HAVE NOT BEEN OPENED OR USED
within 60 days of purchase with your proof of purchase.**
-- Some items are excluded, including many raw material items --

Clay can be returned with unopened bags up to 60 days with proof of purchase**
-- No refunds, exchanges, or credit given for clay that is over 3 months old --

Used or damaged items are not accepted for return, exchange, or credit.

** Proof of purchase = paper receipt or history in our system by phone number.
-- Returns may be subject to a restocking charge --

All contents related to Georgies' products copyright 2025. All rights reserved.
Georgies Ceramic & Clay Co. • 756 NE Lombard St • Portland OR 97211
Phone: 503-283-1353 or Email:
Store Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00a-5:00p Pacific time • CLOSED Saturday & Sunday

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